Sunday 17 January 2010

The diet

So, I've started a new diet and I'm posting a vlog of it on youtube!
I haven't revealed what the diet is so far and I don't think I will till the end...that's in a good couple of months!
My aim is to change my way of eating, the way I see food and my habbits! I' ve taken some pics of myself to post here and to be honest I'm slightly anxious but ANYHOW here they are, of nearly every angle...

Hopefully the 'afters' will be much better! Won't know till a couple of months time!

Sunday 10 January 2010


Right, so, I'm going to blame the snow for the lack of work I have produced. I know it's an excuse but it's a factor... laziness is too BUT the frigging snow is the biggest! Sunday is usually a day I go into the library because there aren't many people, there wont be the normal hussel and bussel that there is Monday to Friday. YET the SNOW has prevented me from leaving my house! I actually don't mind the cold, I'd rather have cold than rain ANY day... It's just the ICE, it's so hard to walk, I 'm scared of falling down to be honest (I don't want to hurt my back).
I've come to realise that I'm one of those people that would rather stay really late in the office or wherever and get the job done rather than taking it home (I should have really put more thought into my career choice LOL).

Right now law governs my life, I can't live in peace without thinking about my LPC work. I'm going to continue with my voluntary work... to be honest I don't have the time for it (I would, if I had caught up with my work during Christmas) but I can't reject an opportunity like that, even if it is only putting numbers into a spreadsheet!

Burak aka My Baby B and I (he's the love of my life and no doubt I'll probably be writing more about him later)

Thursday 7 January 2010

First post, first post

First post, first post.... Right, so I guess I should start by introducing myself to however may read this.
Well my name is Crysteel, I'm 23 years old and I live in London! I was born in Peru, blah blah blah! Really can't be bothered to do the whole intro part!
I guess bits and bobs and parts of my life will be mentioned whenever I feel like writing about them!

So I should really be doing my LPC (that's a Legal Practice Course) work but can't get into it! Its sooo long but hey if I want to be a lawyer... I'm going to have to put up with it until the good stuff comes... the MONEY! (once upon a time I would have said helping people and the cases). Seriously I'm not shallow... just a student, which means poor, well at the moment.

ANYWAYS! I really should start doing some... TAXATION nuff said!

My LPC books, one with the flash and one with out (very make- up blogger/ reviewer esq ( I don't think that even makes sense))

About Me

My photo
I always get stuck in this part, there's many sides to me! I like to describe myself as adaptable because no matter who I'm with I can always find something to talk about... so I'll say I'm talkative! I've also (as stated above) been described as kooky (in other words strange) but I take it as a good thing!